Physiotherapy at More Than Able

Specialising in Paediatric physiotherapy on the Sunshine Coast

You are capable.unique.talented.worthy.more than able.

Children’s physiotherapy, Children physio, Children physiotherapists Near me

So What Does Physiotherapy For Kids Look Like?

Meet our motor development specialists (we like to call them body movement wizards) who are transforming how kids experience the world through movement. Here on the Sunshine Coast and across regional Queensland – from Kilcoy to Bundaberg, Maryborough to Hervey Bay – our physios are passionate about helping children discover just how capable their bodies can be.

We believe every child is more than able to live a purposeful, meaningful and extraordinary life, and sometimes that journey starts with understanding how to move with confidence.

From supporting newly crawling babies to helping teens master their sporting goals, our paediatric Physiotherapists (working with kids from birth to 18 years) are experts in childhood movement and development. Based in Maroochydore but reaching families across Queensland, we specialise in everything from early developmental milestones to complex physical disabilities.

Developing functional motor patterns early isn’t just about movement – it’s foundational to how your child grows, learns, and experiences the world throughout their life.

Fill An Intake Form

Want us to contact you with more information?

Let’s talk about it.

If you’re unsure if our support is right for your child, fill out the form below, and one of our team will contact you to help.

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Why should children see a Physiotherapist?

Our family-centred approach means we don’t just focus on the physical stuff – we look at how movement impacts every aspect of your child’s life. We create personalised strategies that work at home, at school, and in the community.

From targeted strengthening programs and postural support to equipment prescription and activity modifications, we make physical development both achievable and enjoyable.

We partner with parents every step of the way, building your confidence and understanding so you can support your child’s movement journey.

Feeling confident and comfortable in how your body moves and navigates your surrounding is an essential part of learning and growing throughout your life, particularly in childhood.

Working with More Than Able physiotherapists will help your child better understand how their body works and gives them access to things in their world.

As our little one’s brains are continuously learning and changing, developing the most functional motor patterns is foundational in their growth throughout their lifespan.

You do not need a referral to see our Physiotherapists and booking an appointment is easy as filling our intake form out.

The form is quick and simple and helps us understand your child’s needs.

Once the intake form is received our team will review and our client care team will contact you with the next steps.

The first appointment is used to get to know you and your child whilst we assess your child’s current abilities and develop an understanding of their strengths and difficulties.

Together, as a team, we will set goals for your child and make a plan to achieve those goals.

Fill An Intake Form

How do we get started?

Getting started is simple – you don’t need a referral to see our Physiotherapists. Your first appointment is all about getting to know you and your child, assessing their current abilities, and understanding their unique strengths and challenges.

Together, we’ll set meaningful goals and create a plan to achieve them. Whether your child needs support with developmental delays, physical disabilities, or sports-related goals, our experienced team creates practical solutions that celebrate every achievement.

Because we believe feeling confident and comfortable in how your body moves is essential for learning, growing, and living an extraordinary life.

Fill An Intake Form

How We Can Help

More than able therapy is dedicated to partnering with families through their therapy journey. We provide family-centered occupational therapy, physiotherapy, paediatric services for children with a variety of neurological and developmental disabilities.

Occupational Therapy
Holistic Autism Clinic ™
Group Therapy
Outreach Services

Looking for a personalised approach?

We also offer Professional Supervision & Conference Speaking

Our Process

Step One: Assessment

Where are we starting from?

The first appointment is about getting to know you and your child and finding out what matters to your family. Our therapists assess your child’s current abilities and develop an understanding of their strengths and difficulties.

Step Two: Setting Goals

Where are we going?

We are committed to collaborating with our clients, and their parents about what matters to them. Let’s dream up a future where they’re a ballet dancer, an independent adult, or an astronaut. As a team (yes, you’re on the team) we will break that down into small and achievable goals in the here and now that we can work towards in therapy.

Step Three: Therapy

How do we do this?

We know you’ve heard this before, but it’s important to know that therapy is a journey. Each team member has a role to play, and our therapists are in it with your family. Regular therapy sessions include a variety of dynamic and effective therapy approaches tailored to your child’s needs. This includes the creation of home programs and parent coaching.

Step Four: Review

How is it going?

Reflecting on what we are working on is an essential part of the process. We rely on parents collaborating with us, and honestly examining every aspect of the supports that are in place for their child in order for us to make changes as needed. We frequently check in on the progress of our specific and measurable therapy goals, and strive to create an opportunity to celebrate all the little milestones on the journey. We think of this step as the pit-stop, and we aren’t afraid to ask for directions if we’ve gotten a little waylaid.

Get Started Today

Programs we offer

Face-To-Face Therapy

Our therapists know how to engage your child in adventures and play with therapy baked right in.

We provide a variety of face-to-face therapy options to ensure that all of your child’s needs are met. This results in a happy uplifting therapy experience that leaves your child wanting to come back for more!

Therapy Options

MTA offers the following options to suit your family’s needs.

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In clinic



Telehealth services Australia-wide

Early development milestone achievement programs

Multidisciplinary therapy

Developmental assessments for reporting to and access to funding schemes

Equipment Prescription
Access to highly specialised and supportive equipment is often a necessity for our young clients. Our therapists take the guesswork out of it for you and help you navigate the maze of funding schemes and equipment providers to find the best fit.
Equipment Options May Include:
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Wheelchair and seating assessments

Power mobility equipment

Toilet and shower equipment

Feeding equipment

Standing frames and walkers

Tricycles and modified bicycles

Customized suits (SDO’s)

Orthotics and orthopedic footwear (AFO’s, SMO’s and in-shoe orthotics)

Switch access assessment

Assistive and Augmentative communication device (AAC) assessment and prescription consultant

Community Based Services

Getting out and about in the community is something everyone has the right to.

Our therapists work on developmental goals that support access to sporting programs, education centers, social events, and public spaces.

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Kindergarten screener

Community access

Additional Programs

Our therapists are committed to building a wider community understanding of disability.

We share knowledge and experiences about disability with anyone who will listen.

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Professional Development

Workshops and Training

Group Therapy

Community and Home Assessments

Parent Support Groups

Outreach therapy services to regional and remote Queensland by consultation