Finding reliable, compassionate services that truly understand your child’s unique challenges can feel overwhelming. Without the right team, progress can be slow, and your family’s journey can become even more stressful.
At More Than Able, we specialise in helping families navigate the complex world of therapy and support. Our experienced, caring professionals provide tailored solutions to help your child thrive, no matter their diagnosis.
You are capable.unique.talented.worthy.more than able.
Who we can support
Every child moves through the world in their own unique way.
We have experience supporting children across many areas, including:
- Physical Disability
- Neurodevelopmental Conditions
- Complex Medical Conditions
- Complex Medical Conditions
- Vision and Perception
- Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Common areas of Physical Disability that we support families with:
- Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Physical disabilities affecting mobility and coordination
- Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
- Low muscle tone
- Hypermobility
- Scoliosis
Common diagnosis’ of Neurodevelopmental Conditions that we support families with:
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Sensory Processing Differences
Developmental Delays
Common Complex Medical Conditions that we support families with:
Rare genetic conditions
Chronic health conditions
Sensory Processing Differences
Developmental Delays
Common Complex Medical Conditions that we support families with:
Rare genetic conditions
Chronic health conditions
Complex medical needs
Multiple disabilities
Common Vision and Perception conditions that we support families with:
CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment)
Visual processing differences
Vision impairments
Common areas of Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing support that we provide to families:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Emotional regulation challenges
- Behavioral support needs
If your child’s journey isn’t listed here, please reach out.
Why Choose Us?
Multi-disciplinary therapies all under one roof.
Evidence-based Paediatric practice.
Purpose-built space.
Regional outreach services available.
Our therapists deliver dynamic and individualised therapy interventions that assist your child to reach their potential.
The MTA Difference
The More Than Able Philosophy
We celebrate each child’s individuality and work with them to overcome any unique challenges they face. We believe that every child is talented, and capable of learning and growing. We also believe that every part of the developmental journey should be meaningful, honest, and fun!
When a child is diagnosed with a disability or developmental delay, the news brings with it uncertainty and a sense of loss for many families. Navigating the world of therapies, and imagining a future for your child with this new information can be incredibly difficult. We are committed to doing the journey with our families. We partner with you to demystify the world of funding schemes, therapy, supportive equipment, grow in your understanding of your child’s experience of the world, and as a team we work together to unlock their potential, talents and strengths.
How We Can Help
More than able therapy is dedicated to partnering with families through their therapy journey. We provide family-centered occupational therapy, physiotherapy, paediatric services for children with a variety of neurological and developmental disabilities.
Our Process
Step One: Assessment
Where are we starting from?
The first appointment is about getting to know you and your child and finding out what matters to your family. Our therapists assess your child’s current abilities and develop an understanding of their strengths and difficulties.
Step Two: Setting Goals
Where are we going?
We are committed to collaborating with our clients, and their parents about what matters to them. Let’s dream up a future where they’re a ballet dancer, an independent adult, or an astronaut. As a team (yes, you’re on the team) we will break that down into small and achievable goals in the here and now that we can work towards in therapy.
Step Three: Therapy
How do we do this?
We know you’ve heard this before, but it’s important to know that therapy is a journey. Each team member has a role to play, and our therapists are in it with your family. Regular therapy sessions include a variety of dynamic and effective therapy approaches tailored to your child’s needs. This includes the creation of home programs and parent coaching.
Step Four: Review
How is it going?
Reflecting on what we are working on is an essential part of the process. We rely on parents collaborating with us, and honestly examining every aspect of the supports that are in place for their child in order for us to make changes as needed. We frequently check in on the progress of our specific and measurable therapy goals, and strive to create an opportunity to celebrate all the little milestones on the journey. We think of this step as the pit-stop, and we aren’t afraid to ask for directions if we’ve gotten a little waylaid.
Programs we offer
Face-To-Face Therapy
Our therapists know how to engage your child in adventures and play with therapy baked right in.
We provide a variety of face-to-face therapy options to ensure that all of your child’s needs are met. This results in a happy uplifting therapy experience that leaves your child wanting to come back for more!
Therapy Options
MTA offers the following options to suit your family’s needs.
Equipment Options May Include:
Our therapists work on developmental goals that support access to sporting programs, education centers, social events, and public spaces.
Kindergarten screener
Community access
We share knowledge and experiences about disability with anyone who will listen.
Professional Development
Workshops and Training
Group Therapy
Community and Home Assessments
Parent Support Groups
Outreach therapy services to regional and remote Queensland by consultation
Do I need a referral?
No, you do not need a referral to see our Physio, Occupational Therapist, or Speech Therapist.
What funding is available for my child?
Please see our funding page at the link below.
What does an initial assessment include?
The first appointment is used to get to know you and your child, asses their
current abilities, and develop an understanding of their strengths and
difficulties. We can then together as a team develop goals and make a plan to
achieve those goals.
How do I book an appointment with you?
The first step is to contact More Than Able Therapy via email, phone, or
website. You will be asked to fill in an intake form. Once the intake form is
received and has been reviewed by our team, our clinical director will
contact you.
Why should I do joint therapy (OT, Social Work, Psychology, Physio, SLP, etc.)
We believe that collaboration across allied health services is the gold standard of therapy. Each of your therapists focus on different aspects of each activity, and we recognise that isolating one of these is often pointless.
Learning how to move your legs should be tied to exploring your world, which requires cognitive development and communication. This approach is most suitable for our early developers, and kids with complex needs. Additionally, having one therapy session per week instead of multiple visits is a real-time saver for families!
Do your team collaborate with other therapy providers?
The short answer is, YES! We love working with other disciplines and are as flexible as we can be in organising joint sessions with clinicians from other clinics including speech therapists, psychologists, dieticians, exercise physiologists etc.
Do we work with other allied health specialists?
This will depend entirely on your child's needs. We don’t usually believe that more therapy is better. Often having more than one provider in each discipline overloads kids with therapy, confuses the goals and focus for the family, and leads to burnout across the board for parents and kids alike.
If however, you are not from this region and your family is engaging with local therapists, you may choose to visit us for a specific therapy style like Therasuit or an intensive program. In this case, we communicate with your local therapy team and work with your family as much as possible to ensure a thorough handover and update on achievements is given.
Can my child be seen by your therapists if they do not have a diagnosed disability or delay?
Yes. We often work with families in the early stages of observation and assessment of infants and young children in order to clarify their developmental level and understand the presence of any differences or potential delays.
Our clinicians often assess and put together reports for paediatricians or neonatologists as they work with families to explore their child’s development.